《Economic Issues》是一本以English为主的未开放获取国际优秀期刊,中文名称经济问题,本刊主要出版、报道领域的研究动态以及在该领域取得的各方面的经验和科研成果,介绍该领域有关本专业的最新进展,探讨行业发展的思路和方法,以促进学术信息交流,提高行业发展。该刊已被国际权威数据库SCIE收录,为该领域相关学科的发展起到了良好的推动作用,也得到了本专业人员的广泛认可。该刊最新影响因子为0.8,
The Journal of Economic Issues is published by the Society for Evolutionary Economics, an international organization whose members unanimously believe that the economy is an institutionalized process and that social progress requires wise institutional adjustments. The association is committed to promoting an economics that helps solve real-world problems. The Journal of Economic Issues mainly focuses on articles that explain economic phenomena by describing and analyzing formal and informal rules that regulate the use of natural resources and technology, define the distribution of economic power between individuals and groups, and define the scope of human agency. Various analytical methods, including borrowing from disciplines such as history, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, and systems theory, can be applied to papers from disciplines such as biology and evolutionary science, network theory, sociology, law, geography, and neuroscience, as long as the institutional environment (rather than optimization agents) is the main object of research.
The Journal of Economic Issues also attaches great importance to research papers on the political economy of food, healthcare, energy, telecommunications, transportation, education, or entertainment supply. Welcome to papers that explore the issues of developing and transitioning economies from an institutional perspective. In addition, we also seek papers on issues related to social control in business and finance. Policy oriented papers cover a wide range of topics, including macroeconomics, property rights, labor markets, trade and globalization, and the environment, and also fall within the purpose and scope of the Journal of Economic Issues. Finally, the Journal of Economic Issues publishes theoretical and explanatory papers, striving to elucidate the nature of institutions, the process of institutional change, and the history of institutional thought.
按JIF指标学科分区 |
排名:428 / 597
28.4% |
按JCI指标学科分区 |
排名:500 / 600
16.75% |
该杂志是一本国际优秀杂志,在国际上有较高的学术影响力,行业关注度很高,已被国际权威数据库SCIE收录,该杂志在综合专业领域专业度认可很高,对稿件内容的创新性和学术性要求很高,作为一本国际优秀杂志,一般投稿过审时间都较长,投稿过审时间平均 ,如果想投稿该刊要做好时间安排。版面费不祥。该杂志近两年未被列入预警名单,建议您投稿。如您想了解更多投稿政策及投稿方案,请咨询客服。