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[关键词]计算机网络技术 项目教学法 工作计划 项目评价

[作者简介]刘学普(1978- ),男,河北廊坊人,廊坊职业技术学院计算机科学与工程系,讲师、网络工程师,硕士,研究方向为网络工程、网络应用;邵长文(1979- ),男,河北廊坊人,廊坊职业技术学院计算机科学与工程系,助教、网络工程师,研究方向为网络工程、网络安全。(河北 廊坊 065000)

[中图分类号]G712 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3985(2013)24-0151-02












在项目教学过程中,教师根据学生情况将学生分成几个“项目组”,以项目组为单位进行学习、讨论与实践。首先确定最高责任者,即主讲教师。其次确定各项目组的组长,要求具有协调沟通能力。组长在教师的指导下负责制定本组的项目工作计划、分配任务、监督实施项目等工作。最后确定各项目组的成员,如布线员、网络设备调试员等,每小组 5~6人。成员合理搭配、能力强弱互补组合,项目任务落实到每位成员。下面以“小型办公室对等网络组建”为例,介绍项目教学法的实施过程。

1.项目提出。项目由教师提出。在这一环节教师扮演“客户”角色,学生通过教师提出的项目全面掌握“客户”的需求。在本例中,“客户” 的公司规模小,只有10多台计算机,对网络性能要求不高,只是办公自动化的需要,包括资源共享和文件的传递及打印。项目组组长根据需求,了解办公室的分布、计算机的位置、对办公自动化的要求等,制定“需求分析报告”。

2.项目分析。在项目分析之前,教师就项目所需关键技术进行详细讲解,为学生进行项目分析打下基础。项目所需知识点从项目中来,打破传统知识体系,做到“需要什么讲什么”。本例中需要的知识点主要有:网络拓扑结构、IEEE 802.x体系模型、介质访问控制方法、交换机、打印机共享等。然后项目组成员根据需求分析报告,按事先分工,查阅对等网络相关工程资料,确定网络拓扑结构和设备选型、制订对等网络设计方案,并进行初步测试。测试通过后由组长统一意见,制订“项目工作计划”。






























随着我国信息化进程的发展,对计算机网络人才的需求也越来越大。《计算机网络技术》已成为中职计算机专业的一门必修课 程。其特点是理论与实践关联性很强。本课程的教学目标是使学生理解计算机网络的基本概念和原理,并掌握运用所学知识建设、配置、管理和维护网络的技能,以及培养学生在网络上获取、加工、信息的能力。计算机网络与其他计算机专业课程不同,它是软件和硬件的结合,需要理论和实践的结合,需要课堂和实验室的结合,需要学校和社会的结合。






































1. 计算机网络的定义


网络计算技术(Network comuting technology) 指用户通过专用计算机网络或公共计算机网络进行信息传递和处理的技术。计算机网络虽然在1969年就出现,但网络计算大发展还是在90年代的事。随着世界各个国家信息基础设施(NII)计划的开展,网络计算的重要性越来越突出,人们普遍认为世界将进入以网络为中心的计算时代。

2. 计算机网络的构成






3. 计算机网络的应用









4. 计算机网络应用存在的问题










木马程序会窃取所植入电脑中的有用信息,因此要防止计算机被植入木马程序,常用的办法有:在下载文件时先放到自己新建的文件夹里,再用杀毒软件来检测,起到提前预防的作用。在“开始”“程序”“启动”或“开始”“程序”“Startup”选项里看是否有不明的运行项目,如果有,删除即可。将注册表的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE/MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun下的所有以“Ru n”为前缀的可疑程序全部删除即可。







6. 结语



[1]朱理森,张守连《计算机网络应用技术》  专利文献出版社,2001




Computer Network System of the Experimental Implementation of the Teaching Research

WU Zhan-ying

(Suzhou Higher Vocational and Technical Schools, Suzhou 215009, China)

Abstract: Vocational School as a new model applied to develop the main technical personnel as the goal, focus on teaching skills, ability to train students in the integrated practice. In this paper, the characteristics of computer networks and content of curriculum system and on the basis of experimental teaching courses on the network architecture, experimental platform, experimental teaching facilities were discussed.

Key words: vocational school; network courses; experimental teaching




1 实验教学目标及内容

1.1 实验教学目标


1.2 实验教学内容





3 计算机网络实验课程教学实施

3.1 教学平台的选择



每台学生机上安装有Windows Server 2003和Red Hat Linux 9.0操作系统。由于环境的局限性,可通过VMWare、Boson NetSim等软件对实验环境进行扩充。虚拟机软件VMWare可以在同一台机器上模拟出多台机器构成局域网,Boson NetSim是Cisco路由器、交换机模拟程序,可以进行CCNA、CCNP实验的环境模拟。

3.2 实验教学体系




3.3 组织教学与考核办法


实验准备阶段要求学生复习与实验相关的理论和原理,明确实验目标和任务,这样在操作过程中不会因为目标不清楚而盲目。对于初次接触的实验内容,教师还需要作出讲解和演示引导,如在Windows Server 2003下安装AD,不仅要介绍主从式网络、域、域控制器等概念,还要结合操作步骤给出必要的提示。





4 结束语





[1] 尚晓航.计算机网络技术基础[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2004.

[2] 闫书磊.计算机网络基础[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2008.



中图分类号:TN711文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-9599 (2010) 10-0000-01

"LAN Network Engineering" Teaching

Cheng Shoumian

(Hubei Xianning Vocational Technical College,Xianning437100,China)

Abstract:"LAN network project" is a computer network or similar technical expertise of one major basic for required courses.The following courses from course architecture in the position,course training objectives,textbook selection,curriculum design and teaching methods of teaching content and other aspects of elaboration of this course,teaching methods,to promote this course teaching reform and development,improve the teaching standard of this course.

Keywords:LAN network;Network technology;Network administrator





作为《局域网组网工程》课程设置的主要内容有:搭建小型局域网络、局域网综合布线、Windows server 2003组网技术、Intranet常用服务、Windows网络管理、网络故障诊断与排除。对我们高职学生学习该课程,对应的职业岗位,主要是针对初级并介于中级的网络管理员以及为网络工程师职业打下坚实基础。要想成为中高级网络管理员必须经过后续课程的不断努力学习。
















中图分类号:T96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2015)46-0345-01




1 设计思路

为实现设备整个生命周期的计算机化管理,设计系统主要以下面几项技术点进行切入。首先,系统具有使用者及管理者对连铸连轧整套自动化设备实时监控功能,这是本套系统首要完成的功能,它以动态图形式显示3座转炉、3座精炼炉、RH炉、4条连铸生产线、4座加热炉、2条平整线、1700线和1810线粗轧和精轧机这些区域的现场传动设备、一级PLC及现场电器、二级计算机服务器和网络、各区域大型仪表及现场仪表等,这些软硬件设备的状态,是处于正常运行中还是事故停机,并可查询设备停机原因是人为控制或是设备故障引起,并且系统能记录设备运行时间和设备事故时间以方便查询监控。其次,系统具有各区域设备点检记录的查询功能,可以查询本班谁是设备点检人,本班设备点检的时间,该点检出现了什么问题,有什么特殊情况,设备故障时有具体情况记录,点检中发现的设备隐患等点检信息。第三,本系统具备各区域班组运行记录查询功能,包括班组值班人员状况,班组设备运行分析,班组设备事故分析 等几项信息。第四,系统具备各区域生产报表、图表和质量记录查询功能。包括当班当前产量,当班质量记录,当班的生产时间,当班的工艺事故时间等几项内容。


2 技术方案







4 画面和数据库设计:

根据实际的生产和工艺设备进行画面设计采用intouch9.5设计画面及各个子画面;针对采集的实际数据,实现功能编写源代码,然后进行编译、调试。优化操作系统为了获得最佳的服务器性能,对操作系统的优化也是很必要的,因为操作系统性能问题通常会涉及到进程管理、内存管理、调度等,所以用户需要确保有足够的I/O带宽、CPU的处理能力、交换空间来尽可能的降低系统时间。Oracle的操作可能会用到许多的进程, 所以用户应该确保所有Oracle的进程、后台进程、用户进程具有相同的优先级。优化的方法可以确定数据库的函数依赖,对各个关系模式之间的数据依赖进行极小化处理,消除冗余,按照数据依赖的理论对关系模式进行逐一分析,确定个关系模式属于第几范式,按用户需求分析这些模式是否合适,是否需合并或分解,对关系模式进行必要的分解,提高数据操作效率和存储空间利用率。

5 生产与设备运行监控系统功能:


3 系统功能简述


加热炉画面,设计两座加热炉画面及液压站、汽化冷却泵状态,并设计由事故发生时间及原因表格。轧机状态画面,包括粗轧区域、热卷箱、除磷、宽度仪、层冷、卷曲设备状态。平整分卷画面,设计两条平整线及两条辅助系统状态,并设计由事故发生时间及原因表格。轧机功能模式画面,显示粗轧与精轧区域的各功能目前是否投入使用。巡检情况画面.主画面分为钢区巡检,1700生产线 及1810生产线巡检情况三个部分。生产情况汇总表,记录显示各个作业区生产设备产量及设备事故时间的汇总。产量统计图表,分设甲、乙、丙、丁四个小班的产量统计及总和的统计,按时间划分需统计的内容。另可查询历史生产数据,可以按时间查询,可以按钢种或规格进行查询及统计。

4 使用效果



【1】 吴功宜等.计算机网络应用技术教程.清华大学出版社;2002年04月

【2】 吴企渊等.计算机网络.清华大学出版社;2004年01月

【3】 张积温,信息网络技术原理,电子工业出版社,2002年08月


关键词: 《Java语言程序设计》 课程改革 教学实践 创造力
















以前我校《Java语言程序设计》实验教学多数为8学时,实验机房的计算机只安装了Java的基本开发环境JDK(JavaDeveloper Kit)1.3软件,学生需要安装和配置开发环境软件,普遍反映实验环境不便,教学效率不高。2006年9月以来,我校计算机学院配合课程改革,新建了容纳60台PC机的专业机房,我安装了开发环境JDK5.0和支持Java开发的Jcreator3.5、Eclipse 2.1主流的Java IDE(集成开发环境)软件,修改了实验指导书,增加实验教学为15学时,帮助学生提高实验教学的效果。




Java基础部分是公用模块,所有学生必须掌握;Java设计部分对于计算机专业学生是必修模块,设计部分的图形界面设计、事件处理、多线程的章节对于通信专业学生是必修模块;Java应用部分是选修模块,计算机专业学生要求掌握多媒体技术、流技术、数据库编程,通信专业学生要求掌握多媒体技术和网络编程,同时指导学有余力的学生学习Web应用技术,增加高级性的实验作业。例如:计算机专业学生安排与数据库SQL Server 2000连接的实验[4],通信专业学生安排基于TCP协议的套接字编程的实验。












Key words: Network Security; firewall; security scan techniques; techniques of intrusion detection; prevention Strategy


As we all know, the security of computer network is even more essential than any other field of our lives. For this type of industry is easy to be attacked by those who want to destroy our network and steal important information. Based on that, we are trying to figure out how to solve those serious issues . A large number of researchers have done plenty of experiments to settle this problem, besides that we could use what we've learned to explore this special industry and discover the most effective methods. For our students major in computer network,there are so many things to learn and so many problems to solve.

Purpose of the paper

1) To summarize and illustrate the key characters of the security of computer network.

2) To find out the manners to solve and protect our network .

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Research

Along with the popularity and development of the network, especially the widely use of the Internet,computers are used wider and deeper. It has become the most colourful fictitious world which is built by human beings.The rapid development of Internet has brought huge changes towards our work and lives. We get and share information though the Internet. Nowadays,Internet spreads everywhere in the world and always welcomes people to take part in to communicate and interchange with each other. At the same time,we have to notice that although the network is powerful,it is apt to be attacked. Statistics show that there are about 87% of the e-mails worldwide have been infected by virus and more than 90% of the websites have the experience of being attacked.There are over 60 million virus,which vary greatly and new types are produced each day.The Internet crimes,which also abides by the Moore Rules,double every 18 months. In China,great economic damages are caused by hackers each year. Our spiritual property is in great danger.While we are utilizing the superiority of the network, the network security could never be neglected. Under the circumstance of the complicated network,how to protect various websites and their application should be drew special attention to.

1.2 Background of the Research

As information technology develops, people are increasingly aware of the importance of network, through which,computers scattered in different parts are linked,and various important information is spread. A large number of computers linked together to form a local area network, in which,you can share programs documents and other resources among them, at the same time,multiple computers could share the same hardware, such as printers, modems, etc., what's more,we can also use the computer network to send and receive faxes, it's both convenient and economical.

However, nearly all people who have ever contacted with the network know that in this fictitious world,there are always some people who want to break into other people's computer systems,they use a variety of vulnerabilities of the network and system, and illegally obtain unauthorized access to information. Unfortunately, now attacks and theft of information network systems do not need any advanced skills. There are a lot of network attack tools ,articles and other resources, which could be used and shared. Those attacks do not need to know how the program is running, simple implementation could cause huge threat. There are even some of the programs do not require human involvement, high-intelligent scanning could undermine the whole network. This makes the frequency of attacks a significant growth and density in recent years, and has also brought more and more security risks to network security.

In such a network environment, if you want to better protect your network resources, protect our own interests are not violated, to have a certain network security measures is quite necessary. Articles in today's network security seems to be everywhere, however ,among them there are good and bad, under this circumstances, based on my computer learning through the years, as well as the huge help and support from my mentor,I finally complete the article.

1.3 Thesis Structure

The thesis is divided into the following sections:

Chapter One, article introduction.

Chapter Two , analysis of computer network security, network security situation and major threats which should be faced ,and the factors that affect network security.

Chapter Three,describes common network security precautions, including the mature firewall technology, and its types ,principles, and other characteristics, along with that,is the use of some other core technologies such as security scanning, and security of application system.

Chapter Four, paper conclusion.

2 Computer Network Security

2.1 The concept of computer network security

International Organization for Standardization defines"computer security" as: "the data processing system to establish and adopt the technology and governance of security, protection of computer hardware, software, data is not due to accidental and malicious destruction of reasons, change and leakage." The definition of computer security includes both physical security and logical security aspects ,the logical security of the content may be understood as we often say that information security, refers to information's confidentiality, integrity and availability of protection of the network security. While the meaning is the expansion of information security, that is, network security is protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability of the network information. Computer network security will be the specific meaning varies with users, different users have various familiarity and demands towards network security. From the perspective of ordinary users, they may just want their privacy or confidentiality of information are protected against eavesdropping, tampering and forgery when they are transmitted onto the network;in addition , while the network providers care about the network and information security, they must also consider how to deal with sudden natural disasters, military combat and other damage to the network hardware, as well as how to recover and maintain the continuity of network communications when the network is abnormal .

In essence, network security, including security of hardware and software which compose the net system,and information transmitted on the network, this would not be destroyed by accidental or malicious attacks. There are both the technical aspects of network security and the governance issues,the two aspects reinforce each other, and neither of them could be absent. Network intrusion and attacks on human behavior makes network security faces new challenges.

2.2 The Status of Computer Network Security

Computer network security means that the hardware, software and data in the network system are protected from accidental or malicious reasons of destruction, change and disclosure, meanwhile the system could work continuously and reliably, and the network service is not interrupted. The complexity and diversity of computer and network technology, makes it an area that needs continuous update and improvement. The current methods of hackers have exceeded the types of computer viruses, and most of the attacks are fatal. In the Internet network, the Internet itself is not restricted by temporal and geographical factors,so every time there is a new means of attack , it can be spread around the world in a week, these attacks which use vulnerabilities of the network and system will attack computer systems and make the network breakdown. Worms, backdoors, Rootkits, DOS, and Sniffer are several familiar means of hacker attacks. But all these attacks show their astonishing power, nowadays, it seems to be getting worse. The new variations of these attacks, are more intelligent than the previous methods, and they target directly at Internet-based protocols and operating system. Controling program from a Web program to the kernel-level Rootlets, hackers' attack methods retread continuously,challenginguser's ability to keep the information security.

2.3 The Main Threats to Network Security

It is generally believed that, the threats to the computer network system security mainly from three areas: computer viruses, hacker attacks and denial of service attacks.

2.3.1 Attacks from the Computer Virus

At present, there are more than 14,000 kinds of active virus, they invade the computer network,cause destruction of network resources, so that the network does not work, and the entire network may even breakdown.

2.3.2 Attacks from the Hackers

Attack means of hackers are constantly updated, there are different system security problems almost every day. Updated security tools, however,are too much slow, in most cases,people need to be involved to the discover previously unknown safety issues, this always makes them too slow to react to the security problems. When the security tools discovered and make efforts to correct the safety issues, other problems emerge. Therefore, the hacker can always use the advanced means which can't be identified by the security tools to attack.

2.3.3 Denial of Service Attack

Such as "point in the mail bombs", which takes the form that users would receive a lot of unwanted e-mail in a very short time, thus affecting the normal business operation. When it is serious, system will shutdown, and network breakdown will be caused.

Specifically, the "denial of service"attack could be divided into two types:the first one is the attack based on vulnerabilities,which can also be called logic attack. In this type of attack,attackers will first find out the system vulnerabilities then they send data packets which are designed carefully,andthose packets make the system breakdown or make the capability fall rapidly;and the second one is based on the flux,which can be called flooding attack . In this method ,the attackers will send plenty of data packets,in order to use up the bandwidth and system resources of the target computer.

2.4 Factors Affect Network Security

2.4.1 Operating Systems not Have Related Security Configuration

Currently, there are three types of commonly used operating systems, unix linux windows NT/2000/2003 server / XP, these operating systems are all accord with theC2-level,but there are also some certain security risks and vulnerabilities. One of the reasons that the operating system is exposed to the intruder is that we are unaware of these vulnerabilities, and fail to take appropriate measures.

2.4.2 Network Operating System Vulnerabilities

Many popular operating systems all have network security vulnerabilities, such as UNIX, MS NT and Windows .Hackers often use the vulnerabilities ofoperating system itself andinvade our system.

2.4.3 Denial of Service Attack

Denial of service attack means attackers find a way to stop target machine from providing services, it is one of the means commonly used by hackers to attack. In fact, the consumptive attack to the network bandwidth is only a small part of denial of service attack, as long as it can cause trouble to the target, it can make some certain services be suspended or even cause the host crashes, it belongs to a kind of denial of service attacks, denial of service attack has not got a rational solution, the reason is that the shortcomings of the network protocol security itself, and thus the denial of service attacks have become the ultimate way of the attackers.

2.4.4 Improper Use of Security Products

Now there are many anti-virus products, all of them have both advantages and disadvantages, and some of these antivirus products are not compatible. However, some users want to achieve the highest level of security, have installed a variety of security products, and this leads to a burden of the computer operation. So a proper anti-virus should be carefully selected for your system.

2.4.5 Lack of Strict Network Security Management System

Complete and accurate safety evaluation is the basis for hacking prevention system. It will make a scientific and accurate analysis and evaluation towards the security performance of the current or undergoing network , and protect the security of the actualize security policies' realization, economic viability and enforceability of the network. Network security assessment analysis is to check the network to find whether there were loopholes which can be exploited by hackers, and the security situation assessment, analysis, and recommendations enhance the process of network.

3 Common Computer Network Security Precautions

Network information security involves all aspects of the problem ,and it is a complex system. A complete network information security system should include at least three types of measures:The first one is law and policy, regulations and safety education and other external soft environment. The second one is the technical aspects, such as encrypted storage of information transmission, authentication, firewall, network anti-virus and so on. The last one is management measures, including technical and social ones. The main measures among them are: to provide real-time ability to change the security policy, real-time monitoring enterprise security state, to check the existing security system leaks, to nip in the bud. These three tips are indispensable, in which legal policy is the cornerstone of security, technology is guarantee of the safety, techniques are the safeguard of safety, and management and audit is the defence line of safety. The following measures are common means to prevent computer network .

3.1 Firewalls

In a computer network, the firewall is a barrier set between a trustful internal network and the distrustful outside world,it is used to protect network resources and users' reputation ,and to make a network from attack from another one. Logically, a firewall is a separator, a limiter, and also a parser to effectively monitor the activities between the internal network and the Internet to ensure the security of the internal network. As a center of "containment point", it can centralize the security management of the local area network, shield illegal request, and prevent cross-authority access as well as make a security alarm.

3.1.1 Types of Firewall

ICSA ,the International Computer Security Committee,divides firewall into three categories :Packet Filtering Firewall, Application Gateway firewall, and Status Detection firewall. Packet Filtering Firewall

Acting on the protocol suite of network layer and transport layer, based on packet header source address, destination address and port number, protocol type and other signs to determine whether to allow the packet to go through, only send the packet which meets filtering logic to the appropriate destination exit end , the rest of the data packets will be dropped from the data stream. Application Gateway firewall

Application Proxy is completely different from packet filtering firewall,as the first one controls all the information flow at the network layer while Application Proxy has been handled to the application layer, carries the function of firewall out at the application layer. Its proxy function terminates the clients' connection at the firewall and initializes a new protective internal network . The built-in mechanism can provide additional security, that's because it isolates the internal from the external networks, this makes it hard for the hackers outside to detect on the internal network of the firewall,more importantly, it enables the network administrators to control the network services comprehensively. Status Detection firewall

Status Detection firewall processes the data in the packet directly,and judge the data according to the two groups. And then decides whether to allow the packet to go through.

3.1.2 The Principle of Building a Firewall Firewall Itself Is Safe

As a product of information system security, the firewall itself should be safe, never gives any chances to the invaders. If it is like the defense of Macedonia,though the front side is unbreakable, the attackers can easily bypass the line into the internal system,and network systems will not have any security to speak of. Management and Training

Evaluation of management and training is an important aspect of a firewall to see whether it is good or not. As I've said before, in the calculation of the cost of the firewall, we can not only calculate the acquisition cost, but consider the total cost of ownership as well. Staff training and routine maintenance costs are usually occupy the larger proportion of TCO. An excellent security products provider must offer good training and after service to its customers. Scalability

In the early stages of network construction, due to the small size of the internal information system, the losses caused by the attack is also smaller, so there is no need to buy too complex and expensive firewall products. But with the network expansion and the increase in network applications, the cost of network risk will increase dramatically, and at that time, we need to use firewall products with improved security. If the early acquisition of the firewall is not scalable, or the expansioncost is pretty high, this is a waste of investment. Nice products should leave enough flexibility to the users, in the case of less demanding of security level, you can just buy the basic system, and as requirements increase, users still have room to further increase the options. This can not only protect users' investment,but also expand the product coverage for the firewall products providers. firewall security

The most difficult aspects of firewall products is the assessment of the safety performance of the firewall, that means whether firewall is effectively shielded from external intrusion. This is the same as the security of the firewall itself, which could not be easily judged by ordinary users . Even if a firewall is installed, if there isn't actual external invasion,there is no way to know the merits of the product's performance. But testing the security performance of products in practice is extremely dangerous, so when you are in the choice of firewall products, you should try to choose a product which has larger share of the market and is adopted by authority certification testing of.

3.1.3 Functions of Firewall

1) Supporting certain security policies, filtering out unsafe and illegal users' services, that is ,filtering the network data sends into and out, managing accessing behavior goes into and out. All the above firewall technologies are the key ones, apart from which,we must also strengthen the compositive application of the encryption technology, security audit, security kernel, authentication, and the negative balance technology.

2) Monitoring the Network Security and Giving Alarm.

3) Using Network Address Translation (NAT) technology, corresponding the limited IP address either dynamic or with static with the internal IP address,to alleviate the problem of address space shortage.

4) Firewall is the gateway that no matter information goes in or out,it should pass through the firewall,and it is suitable to gather information which is used and misused by the system and network. With this gateway, the firewall could record between networks. It is the best location to audit and record the cost of the Internet. The network administrator can provide the cost of Internet connectivity situation, find out the location of potential bandwidth bottlenecks,and provide department-level accounting according to the accounting model.

5) Can be connected to a separate network, and physically separated from the internal network and deploy WWW servers and FTP servers, act as a place to release internal information to external sites.

3.1.4 Points of Selecting Firewalls

Since 1986 the U.S. company Digital installed the world's first commercial firewall system, and put forward the concept of a firewall, the firewall technology has been rapidly developed. Companies from both home and abroad have launched firewall products of different functions. In choosing the firewall, the following should be noted:

1) Should be a protector of the whole network. All of the information in and out should pass through the firewall, at the same time, only the flux which meets the local security policy could pass through the firewall.

2) Could make up the shortcomings of other operating systems.

3) Providing users with different platforms. Firewall is a perfect platform to change address,Internet logs, audit, and even accounting.

4) Providing better after service to users.

3.1.5 Firewall Limitations

Generally speaking,there are three limitations of a firewall:

1) Firewall cannot prevent attacks which don't pass through it. Such as the users ofinternal private network connect Internet through a modem dial-up, and the "bad guys" could get in without the firewall. Even more frightening, is the attacks from the internal private network.

2) Always requires a special closed network topology to support, the improvement of network security is often at the expense of flexibility, diversity and openness of network services.

3) Technically, firewall has no efforts on preventing the safety threats from internal. For example it can't keep traitors away or damage what users paid no attention to.

3.2 Security Scan Techniques

Among the network security technologies,another important technique is security scan techniques. Along with firewall and security monitoring system,they could produce a high security network. This technology is from the tools which were used by hackers when they tried to invade. Commercial security scanning tools provide powerful support for vulnerabilities of the network .

3.2.1 Classification

3.3.4 Security of the Operating System

Almost all of the operating system have security vulnerabilities, and the more popular the system is,the more vulnerabilities there are. For this problem,you should increase pack continuously,besides that,these things are required:Check the system settings (storage methods of sensitive data, access control, password selection / update);system-based security monitoring system.

3.4 Techniques of Intrusion Detection

3.4.1 Overview of Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection is a technology to ensure the security of the computer system,it is designed and configured to discover and report the unauthorized and abnormal phenomena of the system,and to detect the acts of violating the security policy . In the intrusion detection system,ituses the audit records, and can identify any undesirable activities,so that we can restrict these activities and protect the system. The intrusion detection technology in schools, government agencies, enterprises,could better be replaced by hybrid intrusion detection,intrusion detection system both based on network and host in the network,will become a complete tridimensional structure of active defense system, and some intrusion detection devices can be linked with the firewall

3.4.2 Principia of Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection system is a new network security technology, the aim of it is to provide real-time intrusion detection and take necessary protective measures, such as recording of evidence for tracking and recovery, disconnecting from the network and so on. Real-time intrusion detection is important because it can deal with attacks from the internal network firstly,and it can shorten the time of hackers' intrusion.

3.4.3 Key Techniques of Intrusion Detection

1) Intelligent Intrusion Detection.

2) Distributed Intrusion Detection.

3) Application layer intrusion detection.

4) Intrusion detection based on analysis of protocol and behavior.

5) Combine with the operating system .

6) Establish evaluation system of intrusion detection system.

7) Combine with other network security technologies.

3.4.4 Challenges of Intrusion Detection

1) How to improve the speed of intrusion detection system to meet the requirements of network communication.

2) How to reduce the failure of report and misinformation of intrusion detection system,and how to improve its security and accuracy.

3)How to improve the interactive performance of intrusion detection system to improve the safety performance of the whole system.

3.5 Hacker Attack and Prevention Techniques

3.5.1 IP Spoofing Attacks and Prevention

In order to perform IP spoofing,hackers always do the followings:make the trusted host lose its working ability, while sampling the target host's TCP sequence number,guessing the serial number of the data. Then, disguising as a trusted host, and building the target host application based on address verification connection. If succeed,hackers can use a simple command to place back door of the system for unauthorized operation.

An easy way to prevent this is to give up the address-based authentication. Never allow the use of remote call command of R * class;Remove the hosts file; empty / etc / hosts equiv file.

3.5.2 Port Scanning and Preventions

It is easy to find the remote port scanning tools online, such as Superscan、IP Scanner、Fluxay etc.. From which we can clearly understand that,which ports of the host that is in uncommon use are opened;whether it supports FTP, Web services;and whether the FTP service supports "anonymous",IIS version, and whether there are IIS vulnerabilities which can be easily breached showed .

There are two methods to prevent port scanning:

Close unused potentially and hazardous ports.

Check the ports , whenever there are evidences of port scanning,close it immediately.

3.5.3 Buffer Overrun and Preventions

Buffer overflow is occurred when the programmer did not check program memory space when they were programming , and this causes the leaks of memory. It is a means of attacking systems, in virtue of programming code out of its length in the buffer,causing overrun, thereby undermining the stack. Many ways can be used to deal with buffer overflow, the following four are the most common methods.

1) Write strict code.

2) Non-implementation of the stack data segment.

3) Use the borderline check of the program compiler.

4) Pointer integrity checking.

3.5.4 Denial of Service

Denial of Service attack,is a general term of the common attacks on the net, the aim is to make the computer or network not to provide normal services. In DoS attacks, the most common ones are the network bandwidth and connectivity attacks. Ways of solving:

1) Shortening the time of SYN Timeout.

2) Setting the blacklist.

3) Using the appropriate software (firewall), masking some suspicious clients, could also reduce the load on the system.

3.5.5 Network Monitoring and Prevention

Network monitoring technology was originally provided to the management of network security administrators, it can be used to monitor the status of the network, data flow and information transmitted over the network. When the information transmitted in the form clear text over the network,the use of monitoring technology for attack is not a difficult task, as long as the network interface is set to monitor mode, we can capture the information transmitted over the Internet continuously.

Network monitoring is difficult to be detected, because the host which is working for receiving the information transferred on the local area network passively,do not exchange information with other hosts forwardly, and do no change data packets which are transferred online.

Ways of solving:

1) Segmenting the network logically or physically.

2) Switching hubs instead of shared hub.

3) Using encryption technology.

4) Setting off VLAN.

3.5.6 Password Cracking and Prevention

The first line of defense against intruders is the password system. Almost all multi-user systems require users not only to provide a name or identifier (ID), but also to provide a password. In the real system, the invaders are always trying to get the system-accepted password by guessing or getting the password files,so that they can enter the system. After invaders landed, they can find loopholes in the system in order to get further privileges.

Ways of solving:

Setting complex passwords, uppercase and lowercase letters plus numbers and special symbols are recommended.

3.5.7 Common Steps of Hacker Attack Collecting Information

To judge the operating system ,open network services and other related configuration information of the host. Confirming Target

Often is the server, the host system or small network. Vulnerability Detection

Using the collected target information, take further analysis of system vulnerabilities. Attacking

Find out the trust relationship of the breached system in the network,install the detectors in the target system, get privileged user access of the breached system . Mopping-up

Setting up back door in the compromised systems,as a springboard to attack other machines; clearing the log, and destroying traces of the invasion.

In the above,I have summarized some common network and system vulnerabilitieswhich appear all the time,and I also made some explanation towards these vulnerabilities and their characters,meanwhile,some detailed protective methods are included,to make people have a better understanding about these vulnerabilities so that we can better protect our network. However ,the information security system actually includes laws,policies and a development platform of technology and market. When we are building such a system,we should pay special attention to our unique security products,if we want to solve the security problem thoroughly,the only way is to improve the entire network security techniques by promoting security industries of the nation.

4 Chapter Conclusion

Network security is a comprehensive topic,whichinvolves techniques,management,usage and other aspects,there are both security problems of information system itself ,and physical and logical technological measures,one skill could only deal with one problem,and it is not all-purpose;it's asystem project,should not only depend on virus-killing products、firewalls and vulnerability detection to protect,but we should realize that computer network is aman-machine project,what we should protect is the computer network,while the mainody is humans. What we need to do is that the development and explosion of the hardware of the computer network, establish a safe network system,and forster a consciousness of network security,only in this way could we protect our system better.Lower the damages to the lowest level,so we can produce an efficient,general and safe network security. So ,we should have strict security policies,clear security strategies and qualified administrators,thus chould we ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information safely and instantly and provide powerful security service for the Internet,this is an uegent need of network security,and it is related to the development of the Internet.

From four years' study in college,and the research of my thesis,I have obtained further understanding of network security and its relevant techniques,as well as that,I figure out the urgent need of computer talents,if we want to be the safeguard of the network ,we should carry out more researches seriously and professionally.


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