
时间:2023-07-25 17:19:30




[关键词] 老年病学;临床见习;PBL教学

[中图分类号] G643 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)04(a)-0139-04

[Abstract] General practitioners are designed to develop comprehensive medical and health professionals with the knowledge and skills of general practitioners. General medical education started late in our country, and the clinical teaching method is worth exploring. Senile disease has its particularity because of chronic disease, multi system disease, and is an important part of the education of the general practitioners. The essence of the PBL teaching method is to play the issue of learning guidance, to mobilize students' initiative and enthusiasm, and to improve the students' comprehensive quality and ability, fit for geriatrics teaching in general medical students. In the process of clinical probation in the Department of Geriatrics, the teacher used "understand the problem, ask questions, analyze problems and to solve the problems " four teaching steps. Each step is student-centered and problem-based, and has achieved very good teaching effect. Application of PBL teaching method in clinical rounds in geriatrics clerkship can mobilize student initiative, self-consciousness, positive, and effectively improve the students self-learning ability, innovation ability, strong communication and collaboration skills, and cultivate the clinical thinking style and can effectively improve the graduate comprehensive clinical competence. It is worthy of popularization and application.

[Key words] Geriatrics; Clinical clerkship; Problem based learning


1 案例病史

男性患者,76岁,以“口干、多饮、多尿20年,双眼睑及四肢水肿20天”为主诉入院。患者于20年前无明显诱因出现口干、多饮、多尿,就诊于当地医院检查发现血糖高,空腹血糖为14 mmol/L,餐后血糖为19 mmol/L,诊断为2型糖尿病,给予“消渴丸”口服,后间断口服“二甲双胍”等药物治疗,血糖控制欠佳。20 d前患者出现双眼睑及四肢水肿,当地医院给予利尿剂治疗,患者四肢水肿无明显减轻。患者入院前无明显多食、乏力、消瘦,无视物模糊,无腹泻便秘交替、手足麻木刺痛,以及活动后无胸痛、气短,今为进一步诊治,门诊以“糖尿病”收入院。自发病以来,精神萎靡,饮食睡眠尚可,大便正常,体力较前下降。患者无高血压、高脂血症、高尿酸血症等病史。父亲、兄弟均患有糖尿病。

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