
时间:2023-03-21 15:34:38





























          2. 乐意与人交谈讲话礼貌,能清楚的说出自己想说的事情.






          2. 展儿童的观察力、思维能力、创造力、动手操作能力和初步的解决问题的能力。进行一定的数学探索的活动,多设置一些环节在数学的区角活动中,让孩子在边操作边积累的过程中掌握数学知识。

艺术领域:音乐   能够初步感受并喜爱环境、生活和艺术中的美,喜欢参加艺术活动,并能大胆地表现自己的情感和体验,能用自己喜欢的方式进行艺术表现活动。可以在区角活动中播放孩子喜欢的音乐,让孩子可以感受音乐的美,多投放一些可以发声的物体,让孩子可以探索声音的奥秘。

美术   通过感知线条、形体、色彩等要素,初步感受周围的环境。艺术作品的形式美和内容美,对美具有敏感性。积极参加艺术活动体验乐趣,用不同材料,大胆的表现创造。在区域活动中,给孩子丰富的材料,在动手操作的过程中,喜欢绘画与操作,相互学习与借鉴。



幼儿游戏是幼儿的主要活动,幼儿在活动中成长起来的,在游戏中幼儿充分体现了自主与同伴协作的乐趣. 新《纲要》提出:“游戏是对幼儿进行全面发展教育的重要形式。”而创造性游戏是幼儿在一定的游戏环境中根据自己的兴趣和需要,主动地、创造性地反映现实生活的游戏.   












(1)、 观看音乐舞蹈录像《我们新疆好地方》,说说自己认识的民族,相互介绍自己对各个民族的认识。








(3)注重安全教育,让幼儿懂得遵守交通规则,学会看红、绿灯,走人行道;有困难找警察,记住急救电话;知道不能玩水、火, 电。









关键词 杂交稻;机械化育秧;秧田管理

中图分类号 S511.043 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1007-5739(2013)02-0039-01


1 品种选择

为保证秧苗安全成熟,根据机插秧的生长发育特点,以熟期稍早的中籼迟熟杂交稻组合为佳[1]。以江苏省沭阳县为例,5月15—20日进行落谷,宜选用生育期在135~143 d、国审适应气候条件的杂交稻品种,如Ⅱ优084、Ⅱ优1259,栽插时间在6月15日前后,确保9月5日前安全齐穗。

2 机插秧苗育秧

在水稻机插秧生产中,为保证秧苗成活,返青快,根据水稻栽培的农艺要求、高性能插秧机栽插作业特点,机插秧苗要具有以下特点:一是秧块标准。秧块的长、宽、厚分别为58.0、28.0、2.5 cm。秧苗分布均匀,根系盘结呈毯状,适合机械栽插[2]。二是秧苗个体健壮,基茎粗扁,色绿,根多色白,植株矮壮(株高12~25 cm),无病虫害。机插秧苗采用中小苗带土移栽,一般秧龄为15~20 d,无论秧龄如何变化,一般都在3.5~6.0叶龄内移栽。


(2)营养土准备。育秧前要准备营养土,一般菜园土壤肥沃疏松可在过筛后直接作床土。其他可作床土的土壤取土前施腐熟人畜粪30 t/hm2、25%氮磷钾复合肥900~1 050 kg/hm2,或分别施硫酸铵、过磷酸钙、氯化钾450、600、75 kg/hm2 [3]。在床土过筛时添加旱秧壮秧剂,每100 kg细土加入0.5~0.8 kg。营养土pH值以5.5~7.0为佳,若土壤pH值偏高,为降低土壤pH值,可增施过磷酸钙调节土壤酸碱度。施后连续机旋耕2~3遍,取表土堆制并覆农膜至床土熟化。一般每盘准备营养土4 kg,另备经过培肥但未施入化肥的过筛细土1 kg,需营养土1 500 kg/hm2,经过培肥但未施入化肥的过筛细土375 kg/hm2。播种前5~10 d将营养土与壮秧剂按100∶1.25的比例充分混匀后堆闷。

(3)秧床准备。秧田∶大田为1∶80~100,一般每1 hm2大田需准备秧池田105~150 m2。选择背风向阳、田面平整、排灌分开、邻近大田的熟地作秧田。播前10 d做秧板,苗床长度根据生产需要确定,宽1.4~1.5 m,秧板间留宽、深分别为20~30、20 cm的排水沟。秧池沟深50 cm,围埂平实,埂面一般比秧床高15~20 cm,开好平水缺。为使秧板面平整,可先上水进行平整,秧板做好后排水晾板,使板面沉实,播种前2 d铲高补低,填平裂缝,充分拍实,使板面达到“实、平、光、直”[4-5]。

(4)备盘备种。大田备58 cm×28 cm×2.5 cm标准的塑料软盘240~270个/hm2,需备杂交稻种15.0~18.0 kg/hm2,进行软盘育秧时,采用机械育秧流水线需备足硬盘,用于脱盘周转。

(5)无纺布。机插大田需准备2 m宽无纺布19.5~24.0 m/hm2。

3 杂交稻育秧播种

杂交水稻盘育秧播种机2BL-280A型育秧试验数据及操作:一是顺次铺盘。在硬秧盘上放置软盘,从进秧盘区依次放盘,根据落谷面积计算软硬盘数量,杂交稻需240~270个/hm2。二是匀铺营养床土。调节好覆土箱控制器,铺装准备好的床土。要求床土排量稳定性2.998 6 kg/盘,标准差0.24 kg/盘,变异系数8%;盘内底土层厚度为2.324 cm,标准差0.082 95 cm,变异系数3.57%。三是精量播种。Ⅱ优084、Ⅱ优1259于5月25日播种,平均播种量为每盘75.566 7 g,每盘排种均匀性平均值为3.1粒,每盘排种稳定性平均值75.566 7 g,标准差1.58 g,变异系数2.090 9%;空格率5%,均匀度合格率89.5%。四是匀撒覆土。播种后均匀撒盖籽土,床土厚度平均为2.324 cm,标准差0.829 5 cm,变异系数3.57%,覆土排量稳定性为0.833 6 kg/盘,标准差0.123 3 kg/盘,变异系数14.791 2%。覆土厚度均匀性平均值0.21 cm,盘内土面平整以盖没芽谷为宜。注意使用未施化肥、壮秧剂但经培肥的过筛细土,盖籽后浇透水,再补喷敌克松预防水稻立枯病。五是依次铺盘。播种覆土好的秧盘从出秧口取出后,依次铺盘于畦面。六是覆盖无纺布。秧畦上铺好秧盘后,从秧畦一边铺无纺布,要求无纺布覆盖好后,略多出盘边,间隔0.5 m用泥块压紧,起到保潮、保温、促齐苗作用,同时防治灰飞虱在苗期危害,预防黑条矮缩病及蓟马、二化螟的危害。

4 秧田管理

(1)温度。播种至立针,膜内应保持高温、高湿,适宜温度30~32 ℃,超过35 ℃时开小口通风降温。齐苗至一至二叶期,膜内温度控制在25 ℃左右,高于28 ℃通风降温。3叶以后逐渐揭膜通风炼苗,达到与外界相同的气候环境。



(4)病虫害防治。地下害虫用3%呋喃丹颗粒1.5 g/m2拌毒土撒入秧田诱杀。稻蓟马、稻蝗、二化螟等害虫,可在秧田后期用氧化乐果或杀虫双水剂对水进行喷雾防治。出苗后,可补喷移栽灵、敌克松预防立枯病、青枯病,或用稻瘟灵等药预防稻瘟病的发生。

5 参考文献

[1] 方存金,许天生.水稻机械栽植技术应用与出现问题的探讨[J].福建农机,2006(2):11,13.

[2] 峰,陈惠哲,徐一成.我国水稻种植机械化的发展前景与对策[J].北方水稻,2007(5):13-18.

[3] 朱纪林,沈静,朱壮根.水稻机械化直播种植的实践与探讨[J].农业科技与信息,2008(15):8-10.





















































后来才知道,大鱼的鱼鳔是不扔的,可以收集起来晒干做成鱼肚,属于传统珍贵食材,与海参、燕窝一个等级。它的好处就是煮出来质地黏软,口感独特。同时,鱼肚中的成分溶到汤里,汤汁就有点黏黏的,能起到增稠作用。由于鱼肚这种材料并非家家能够买得起,很多人就把猪皮片成薄层,用油炸过再炖,那种柔软的口感也很特别,被称为 “假鱼肚”。































































































































关键词:英语教学 文化差异 文化冲突 文化意识 跨文化交际能力



例如:据说有一位女生到英国留学,好不容易租了一间房间,到了月底房东来收钱,钱到手,房东说谢谢,动身要走时,她出于礼貌,顺便练练英文就说:“Must yougo now ?Don’t you want to stay longer?”(就走了?不再坐坐?)没想到就是这句“客气话”差点没把老外吓跑。再如在英美国家,客人进入主人家,应脱掉外套以示礼貌,给人一种“宾至如归”之感。据说有不少中国留学生进入客厅时,没有马上脱下外套,当主人提出要将他们的外套挂起来时,他们起初往往会客气地说:“没事,没事,我自己来。”甚至说:“不用,不用。”主人见状便问:“Are you feeling very cold ?”他们不假思索地回答:“Yes,rather.”。中国学生根本没有领会英美的这一风俗习惯。这样的例子在我们身边还有很多。由此可见,在中国文化背景下属于常识性的行为,换在某个外国的背景下可能成为一种不合常识的行为;在某种文化下属于礼貌的行为,在另一种文化下可能被视为无礼。语言是文化的产物,它具有深刻的文化内涵,与不同的对象,在什么样的情况下,如何表述一个思想,与文化背景密切相关。从某种意义上说,学习一种语言,实际上就是学习一种文化。外语教学不仅是传授语言知识,使学生具备一定的语法能力,更重要的是使学生具有在不同场合说得体的话的交际能力,培养他们应用外语进行跨文化交际的能力。





不了解中西文化差异是学生语用失误的重要原因。教师应该努力激活教材内容,利用教材中与文化背景知识相关的话题充分挖掘其中的内涵,通过课堂教学渗透进行文化比较,随时提供和补充相关知识。比如,有个对话里出现了这样一个语境:一个小孩问:“How old are you ?”时,老奶奶用幽默的语调回答:“Ah,it’s a secret.”教师借此可将英美文化中的隐私和禁忌语的使用知识补充给学生,及时点拨学生领会文化异同现象。西方人认为在日常交往中,直接打听别人的经济收入、年龄、宗教、政治信仰、婚姻状况等是一种不礼貌的行为,因为那是属于与提问者无关的内容。而用谈论天气的办法来打开与西方人谈话的话题是非常明智的。所以当讲授有关天气的内容时,教师应该有意识地指出这一文化背景,并告诉学生谈论天气的方法多种多样,如Lovely day,isn’t it ? Miserable weather,isn’t it ? It is so cold today,isn’t it ? 又如中国人和西方人面对赞赏表达的方式不一样,中国人受到别人赞赏时习惯“谦虚”地说“过奖,过奖”或“哪里,哪里”,以示礼貌,而西方人会高兴地道上一句“Thank you very much.”或者“I’m glad to hear that. ”,所以,在讲授“Thank you very much.”这一句型时,教师应该尽量多地介绍它的使用场合。

另外,词汇教学中要注意某些词义在中英两种语言中的内涵并不一致。凡是遇到具体有文化内涵的词汇,教师都应适当提醒学生。如“狗”在中文中常带有贬义。在中国如有人听到“You are a luck dog”必然生气,但在英语中“luck dog ”是“幸运儿”的意思。又如,“congratulations”常译为“恭喜,祝贺”。在中国,人们对新娘、新郎都是一样的道贺“恭喜”;但在英美,“congratulations”只能对新郎说,而对新娘的恭喜是“Best wishes”或“I wish you very happiness”切不可以说“congratulations”,否则会令新娘大为不快。因为congratulations是对经过努力拼搏而获得成功的人的祝词。如果对新娘说此话,就意味着她曾千方百计地追求新郎,对她是一种莫大的耻辱。不过,要是在工作上,学习上取得成就时,人们则非常乐意听到congratulations。






要培养学生的跨文化交际能力,就必须重视培养学生的跨文化交际意识,不断提高学生对中西文化差异的敏感性,培养学生的英语思维能力。学生学习英语时,往往难以摆脱母语的干扰。所以,在课堂上,通过组织一些学生为主体,创造模拟情景的练习活动,pair work,role play, group discussion, presentation等,一方面能激发学生参与的积极性,另一方面也为他们提供了口头训练的机会。创造模拟情景可使学生身临其境,这种情景教学不仅使学生对所学内容记忆深刻,而且一旦在生活中遇到类似的语境,他们也能从容自如地应对。营造英语气氛,找准学生学习英语的兴奋点,变乏味的知识为有趣的生活情景,变学生被动吸收为主动参与,变教师单向灌输为指导学生,让学生在一个良好的语言环境中熟悉语言,学习语言,使他们逐步获得用英语进行日常交流的能力。



[1]E. Hinkel. Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversityPress.





1 是时展的需求:随着全球一体化的不断发展,在对外交流中,增强学生的跨文化意识和国际视野、了解世界各国的文化习俗,是社会发展对新时期外语教学提出的更高要求和新的目标。交际能力的基础是语言,因此在具备语言能力的基础上,要不断增强文化交际的意识。

2 文化与语言的密切联系:语言是一种交际工具,新时期外语教学的目的实际上就是学生语言交际能力的培养,使学生能将法语作为交流的工具,能在特定的语境中,依据相应的主题和双方的身份、环境等讲出符合语境的话。语言与文化联系密切,不可分离,语言是文化传递的载体,是文化不可分离的部分,语言与文化互相依存;同时语言又受到文化的影响,体现语言的文化、理解一门语言就必须了解它的文化背景,通过语言了解文化,文化和语言是紧密联系、相辅相成。他们之间的这种关系决定了语言传授者也必然是一名文化传授者。

3 符合法语教学的要求:培养学生的跨文化交际能力是外语教学的根本目的之一。但传统法语教学主要侧重培养学生的基础“听、说、读、写”技能。单一的书面教材模式,缺乏真实的语言环境,使学生只能透过书本按部就班学习有限的单词和语法,忽视了语言文化背景知识的重要作用。传统模式培养出来的学生虽然能很好的掌握语言的单词和语法系统,但缺乏语言交际能力培养,做不到语言符合语境。并且学生在听、说、读、写各个方面也会受到制约,不能全面发展。在法语教学中注重跨文化意识的培养,不仅能使学生克服“母语的干扰”,养成良好的外语思维,达到活用语言的目的;同时也有助于学生理解中法文化差异,不断提高其外语文化修养,使语言和文化达到融会统一。



1 不断提高法语教师的跨文化交际意识和自身修养:外语教师在文化交际教学中发挥着主导作用。作为法语教师,首先要不断丰富自身的跨文化背景知识,才能在教学过程中将跨文化意识传授给学生,这是培养学生的跨文化交际能力的基础。教师在教学过程中要强调中法文化差异,不断培养学生对法国文化的敏感性和实用运用语言的能力,这些都要求教师不仅要有扎实的语言文字功底,并且要有深厚的文化素养和跨文化意识。随着中法文化交流的不断深入扩大,法语教师也应当不断进修,与时俱进,不断观察,总结两国文化差异,加强跨文化交际这门课程的学习和培训,从整体上加强教师队伍的文化素质。

2 在教学过程中突出文化差异,明确教学与文化之间的内在联系:通过教学实践总结得出,学生语用失误的主要原因之一是缺乏对文化差异的理解。教师应该灵活运用教材内容,充分挖掘教材中与文化背景知识相关的主题,通过课堂教学进行中西文化比较,提供和补充相关背景知识,使语言架构在文化的背景之上。当今的语言教学,教师不只是单纯的语言传输者,而应当是语言背景文化的导人者,在语言文化差异的基础上,通过语言的学习潜移默化地让学生掌握语言文化知识,并能恰当的运用语言,使学生的语言能力和文化能力得到同步的提高。

3 结合多种教学策略,提高学生对文化的重视:在法语教学中,教师可以根据教学内容运用多种文化教学策略,比如:词义挖掘法、习语对比法、翻译对比法等,并配合口头演示、小组讨论、即兴演讲、实训项目等任务驱动型课堂活动,在完成基本的语言学习外,还应当给学生充足的语言交际机会、时间和真实的语言学习环境,运用现代教学手段,如网络、多媒体、报刊杂志、广播等为学生创设文化语言情境,引导学生了解法国文化,提高文化的敏感度,帮助学生在用中学,学中用,不断培养学生的跨文化交际意识。

4 培养学生跨文化交际能力和外语思维方式:首先要重视学生的跨文化交际意识的养成,提高学生中法文化差异的敏感性,培养其外语思维方式,不断增强学生的跨文化交际能力。在外语学习时,学生首先遇到的难题往往就是难以摆脱母语的干扰。



As we know, with the rapid development of technology and society, the globalization is the main-stream of world development. Because of the frequent communication and close connection between the people all over the world, and especially after China entered the WTO, foreign languages are used more and more widely. During the cross-cultural communication, if one is ignorant of the culture and customs of the other, he or she is surely unable to have a good understanding of the other and can’t carry on the communication further. As English is the most widely used language, it’s quite necessary for us to know the culture and customs of the people of the English-speaking countries. That’s the reason why we need not only to improve the language skills, but also to cultivate the studentes’ abilities of the cross-cultural communication.

This paper mainly deals with the relationship between the language and culture, the necessity of cultural education, the principles and content of cultural teaching and how to build the students’ cross-cultural abilities in middle school English teaching.

[Key Words] intercultural communication; English teaching; cultural introduction; cultural knowledge [摘 要] 在传统的英语教学中,诸如词汇、短语、语法等英语知识内容受到了广泛的关注,而英语作为一个民族语言的文化背景却被大大地忽略了。结果,学生学了几年英语,对英语和母语之间的文化差异,以及说英语民族的风俗习惯仍一无所知。从而,在与外国朋友的交际中,出现过许多偏差,误解,甚至笑话。



[关键词] 跨文化交际; 英语教学;文化导入;文化知识

1. Introduction

Language is just like a mirror that reflects its national culture. Sociologists and anthropologists believe that culture comprises all products of human activity, including fields of literature, art, music, architecture, philosophy, scientific and technical achievements as well as aspects of customs, life-style, code of conduct, worldly wisdom and social organization, etc. Languages are generally accepted words and rules drawn from speech. Language is the carrier of culture and culture is the content of language. There is no language without culture content. Therefore learning culture knowledge has become a major part of teaching English to Chinese students. International communication is communication between people whose culture perception and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.

Worldwide interest in intercultural communication grows out of two assumptions. First, we live in an age when changes in technology, travel, economy, and political systems, immigration patterns, especially the emergence of Internet, have created a world in which we increasingly interact with people from different cultures. And whether we like it or not, these interactions will continue to grow in both frequently and intensely. Second, people now know that the influence of culture affects communication in a subtle way. Our culture perceptions and experiences help determine how the world looks and how we interact in the world.

However, as we look back to see the situation in China’s schools. We see that, for several decades, language teachers have not been able to pay attention to the role of culture knowledge in language learning. Nowadays, in English teaching, especially in middle school, teachers pay much attention to vocabulary and grammar.

As Chinese culture is not the same as that of English-speaking countries, the rules for using Chinese are, in some respects, different from those using English. There is especially good evidence that Chinese students may transfer their mother tongue references of language used to their English performance and fail to communicate effectively. Misunderstanding caused by cross-cultural communication should break down and much attention should be paid to them in English language teaching.

So in middle school English teaching, teachers must not only train and improve students’ language level, but also pay attention to cultivating students’ abilities of intercultural communication.

2. Significance of cultivating the abilities of cross-cultural communication

2.1 The request of the development of Internationalization

Lin Dajin in the "cross-cultural communication study," pointed out that culture can be defined as " the integrated feature that a nation is distinct from another nation." Cultural differences are the barriers of cross-cultural communication. The modernization process accelerated the circulation of spiritual and material products, and brought all nationalities into a common "global village", [1] cross-cultural communication became an integral part of national life. If people do not understand the cultural convention in the USA or Britain, and use the way of China to treat foreigners, then it will create a lot of jokes, and even hurt each other's feelings, self-esteem and cause misunderstanding. Thus, to overcome the cultural differences caused by communication barriers has become a common problem faced by the entire world.

2.2 It is imperative to understand the cultural background knowledge

Understanding cultural knowledge is the key to language learning. “One can not really learn the language, and teach language well unless one knows the patterns and norms of culture and cultural background (Song Fei, 1998)." [2] Without a specific cultural background, language is non-existent. If we don’t know the culture of target language, we would find it is difficult to understand the meaning of certain words. For example, “Thanksgiving", "Sandwich" has been brought about in a specific social and historical circumstance, it is not enough merely to know the meaning of the surface of these words. Another example is: “You are, indeed, a lucky dog", the literal translation is "you are a lucky dog." This is a satiric sentence in China, because, in Chinese views, "dog" is an expression when people used to refer generally to dislike someone. While in English, it can mean, "You are a lucky man." In Western society, "dog" is a family member, and they are harmonious coexisting with people "Dog" here refers to people instead of satirizing others, but a very intimate expression. [3]

2.3 Cultural knowledge teaching is the objective of language teaching.

The main objective of language teaching is to train and develop students’ interpersonal skills. And cultural knowledge teaching can increase the ability of cross-cultural communication, which is the important content to achieve goals of language teaching. For example, in American society, praise and compliments language that flatter mainly a personal appearance, new things, personal property, and inpiduals in a certain area are commonly used as the introduction to a conversation. This is different from Chinese. Thus, different nations have different cultural environments, different living habits and different languages behavior expressions. And as a language learner, if not ideologically “physically entering their social linguistic environment” will be difficult to achieve the goal of language learning,not to say that language teaching objectives will be accomplished.[4]

3. Principles of culture teaching.

The foreign language teaching in middle school is the foundation of our country’s foreign language teaching. As an English teacher, one should provide the most useful cross-culture knowledge in the limited teaching life.

Just as what we mentioned above, we have been aware of the importance of learning some cultural knowledge about the target language. It seems impossible and unnecessary for us to have a systematic study of target culture, which covers almost everything, in one’s whole lifetime. The difficulty shows that culture is ubiquitous, multidimensional and complex. A good solution to this problem might be to learn selectively those cultural factors that have great influence on intercultural communication, and that are closely related to the language. So on culture teaching we should follow these principles :( 1) Interrelated [5]. that is culture teaching must be interrelated with the content of the text. (2) Appropriate, that is culture teaching must be subjected to language teaching. (3) Practical, that is culture teaching must try to be “useful” for students in their communication. (4) Scientific, that is culture knowledge must be taught correctly, completely and objectively. (5) Flexible [6] ,that is culture teaching must be flexible according to the change of the world.

We must obey these five principles if we want to cultivate students’ abilities of cross-cultural communication. What we should teach in ELT classes is simply a foreign way of life related to the target language and teachers should avoid bringing their own cultural prejudice into class. The world is changing, so are the traditions and customs. The constant changes require us to improve our skills of intercultural communication by doing two things: understanding the cultural differences, especially the differences in the deep structure of different cultures, and becoming flexible in intercultural communication. There is a great tendency that one culture adopts the elements from another that are compatible with its own values and beliefs or that can be changed without causing major disruption.

4. Content of culture introduction

English teaching in middle school is the foundation of foreign language teaching in our country, so English teachers should provide the most useful knowledge of cross-cultural communication in their limited teaching period.

4.1 The content of intercultural communication

Generally, teaching content is based on certain syllabus, but now because culture introduction is a new issue, so we have neither specifical teaching materials nor specialized classes. What we can do is to mention it when it appeared, so it is very arbitrary and relatively loose. Professor Hu Wenzhong integrated the existing achievement of language and culture studies, and pided the teaching of cultural content into five aspects: language communication, non-verbal communication, communication customs and etiquette, social structure and human relationships and values. Secondary English teachers can base on these five aspects in listening, speaking, reading and writing to teach and guide students.

4.2 Content of intercultural communication in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

4.2.1 Listening

Broadly speaking, listening is a process that listeners hear the voice and decipher them to semantic meanings. It needs to have not only the relative knowledge of words, tone, grammar, and so on, but also knowledge of the socio-cultural knowledge. Whether listeners have the knowledge is the key to achieve the listening comprehension. Such knowledge is common knowledge, beliefs and experiences of each communicator. If one neglects these existing cultural differences, he or she will have some obstacles to listen, because English listening is understood by the hearing stimulated the cranial nerve, and the impression left as the sole basis for reflection. [7]

We cannot understand the meaning of listening material by English words, phrases or groups of semantic rank order. What we should do is to lessen the gap of mentality difference in order to adapt to the English sentence structure rapidly and accurately while we are listening, and understand the English language habits. Whether students understand the intent of the speaker or writer depends on their level of language, and also depends on if students master the words involved in the social and cultural knowledge. [8]

The purpose of listening is to understand the speaker’s real meaning in words and exchange information successfully. Sometimes the learner only catches the denotation of the words, but fail to consider the most important part, which is the contextual meaning of words and sentences. For instance, the sentence “ I am not sure I’d like to do that” is seemingly like considering a matter, but in fact, it is a polite expression of refusal.

Since we are teaching our students English not only to help them pass exams, but also to prepare them to use English in real life, it is important to think about the situation they will listen to English in real life and to think about the listening exercises we do in class. So we must tell them about some culture knowledge for them to use in real life and know more about foreign life. [9]

4.2.2 Speaking

The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is using language to communicate and exchange information, so when we communicate with the people from English-speaking countries, we must pay special attention to some interference factors in cultural exchanges. For example, social norms which people must obey when they communicate with each other, including some rules and customs, such as the terms of the title, greetings, inquirements, apologia, thanks, telephone, parting; Social knowledge refers to the relationships between the family members, colleagues, friends, higher and lower levels; Values, including the relationship between people and nature, religious values, ethics and outlook on life, their world view, such as Western society emphasizes the inpidual struggle, independence, privacy, etc.; The characteristics of thinking , which means the differences of the characteristics of thinking between westerners and easterners. When they express time and place, one is from small to large, the other is from large to small. [10]

English speakers attached great importance to privacy when there are dealing with contact process, particularly between the less familiar people. It is necessary to avoid asking others affair, and sometimes even in the eyes of Chinese people for kind, caring, but for the people from the English-speaking countries, maybe it is impolite, sometimes it will cause displeasure, embarrassment and dissatisfaction. Here are three questions: (1) What’s your name? (2) How old are you? (3) Are you married? [11] Any one who knows little English can ask these questions in English. But if a student asks a young lady from a western country the above questions, he has made a serious mistake in terms of appropriacy. To avoid such silly mistakes, the teacher should help students realize that it isn’t polite to ask westerners questions concerning the age, income, marital status, and other private things, such as religious belief, political inclination, etc.

Some of the daily English expressions are deliberately vague. For example, a person in the gathering may say, “I’d better be going now. I've got a little headache.” He might want to depart or not want to stay here any more. By this time, you would not have the habit of Chinese people to ask him how he feels. If he really feels uncomfortable he will say straightly.

4.2.3 Reading

English reading ability is a comprehensive ability. If one wants to read an article, find out the main idea, use the information provided by the articles for inference, judgment, reasoning, he or she must master not only English language knowledge, but also a certain degree of expertise or background knowledge. When students were reading an article, although they didn’t encounter a new word, had no grammatical obstacles and understand the literal meaning of each sentence, they cannot understand the overall effect of the article content and the main idea. Because when students were reading, they always considered English equal as their mother tongue, or affected by the traditional culture of the mother tongue, intentionally or unintentionally to treat the context and meaning of these two cultures equally, so some errors of judgments will happen. Therefore, when we are training students’ reading abilities, we must base on training them to understand the whole passage or paragraph so that they can understand and become familiar with the material and cultural significance related to certain social background; understand the author's tone; be familiar with the article style and writing tendencies, correctly understand the true meaning of the text, and choose the correct answer. [12]

The learner’s lack of cultural background knowledge often hinders their comprehension in reading. For example, we mean pornographic by the word “huang” in Chinese, but in English, “blue” is taken instead of “yellow”. If learners don’t know, they will not understand what “blue film” or “blue video tapes” mean though the words are easy. This illustrates that words’ connotation is the result impact by language. So more attention should be paid to cultural background in learning idioms and literary works, otherwise, we have no means of understanding the implication of words and passage correctly.

4.2.4 Writing

In writing, the differences between the Chinese and western modes of thinking play an important part. Chinese are accustomed to thinking in a spiral way, while English and Americans in a linear way. This difference in thinking often leads to misunderstanding. Sometimes a learner’s composition is perfect in terms of grammar and logic, but when a foreigner reads it, he or she may misunderstand the original meaning of the sentences. [13]

In written expression, the Sino-British cultural differences are primarily in terms of cultural connotation. In different cultural backgrounds, some words have different meanings. In the writing process, students must pay much attention to them. For example, the Chinese used dragon as an analogy to courage and auspice, while to Europe and the U.S. people, ferocious dragon is a symbol of the disaster; Chinese has the saying that "When a rat runs across the street, everybody cries, ‘kill it!’” from this one may draw a conclusion that the Chinese people hate rats, but Disney introduced Mickey into his paradise to make it become a household love animals; [14] Chinese use “red eyes” to express “envy” while English use “green with envy”. [15]

When teachers train students written expression skills, they must contrast these cultural differences between China and Britain; otherwise, the students’ misunderstanding the culture, in a sense, is more serious than making errors in language. 5. The approaches to develop intercultural competence

Cultural teaching methods are perse. The primary task of teachers is using various methods to teach culture and to improve students’ sensitivity to culture and cultivate cultural awareness, so that they can initiatively and willingly absorb it and involve in the new cultural environment.

5.1 Exploring existing materials’ enlightening points about the cultural knowledge.

We should as much as possible keep an eye on the implicit cultural phenomenon of materials, consider these enlightening points of cultural knowledge as the premise to expand appropriately, and try our best to express what their cultural values should be. [16] In other words, we should introduce students to the relevant cultural background knowledge, but also actively guide them to analyze, identify, develop what is useful or healthy and discard what is not for all kinds of social ideology and cultural ideas and cultural concepts. Accumulating these enlightening points about the cultural knowledge will make students benefit. It has stressed the “attention” because in many educational materials, a lot of cultural knowledge is potential, and it is not easy to grasp. It is requiring teachers to have a certain level of cultural understanding and cultural sensitivity. And to achieve this, teachers should do much more work in lesson preparation. In order to continuously improve their own ideological and theoretical level and integrated cultural accomplishments, teachers should make "exploring cultural knowledge enlightening points” as a necessary teaching basic skill.

For example, in the students’ book of Junior English 7A, unit3 which is published by oxford press, the word “dragon” (Long) appears in the teaching material. The material teaches students to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. Teachers can seize this cultural knowledge to point out different cultural connotations of "dragon". Dragon in the eyes of Chinese people is an auspicious animal. There is a saying: everyone hopes his or her children to be a dragon. That means, “to with one's children have a bright future”. Dragon is a symbol of China's feudal dynasty era of imperial authority, a representative of imperial; Dragon is the Chinese nation's totem, which contains profound cultural traditions and spirit of the nation. [17] While Westerners think that the dragon is a symbol of evil, cruel raging monster, and should be eliminated. In some depicting saint and heroic legends, about the deeds of struggling with monsters such as dragons, it always ended with the monsters being killed. Understanding the different meanings of "dragon" in Chinese and foreign cultures will help students to understand the content of the materials and avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding.

5.2 Designing the introductive point of cultural education.

Teachers must be good at teaching cultural knowledge points which are discovered during lesson preparation, and combining teaching process timely by selecting appropriate methods and organic framework bridge to expand these enlightening points, so that the students can expand their cultural knowledge. As a teacher, we should strive to make English classes as a battlefield for teaching cultural knowledge. In this regard, special attention should be given to integrating theory with practice, and different teaching methods to treat different students and teaching content, and use a variety of teaching methods to create a good cultural atmosphere in classroom. In practical teaching, the following methods are available to select.

5.2.1 Discussion and contrast

Because different languages reflects different cultures, so discussion and contrast can become one of the most commonly teaching methods when teachers want to introduce cultural knowledge. Teachers can grasp the phenomenon of Western culture in the textbooks so that students can make discussions related to the cultural phenomena in our country, and do some comparative analyses. Such discussions will make it possible to bring the initiative of students into full play and at the same time, improve students’ study become more effectively, and make the classroom atmosphere become actively.

In the students’ book of Junior English Book6A, unit 8, the lessons is about Christmas, we can ask the students to compare the Western Christmas and Chinese Spring Festival, guide students analysis the difference of customs of the most important festivals in China and foreign countries, and find out that how these differences reflects different national traditions and cultural values. Most of students understand some Christmas customs, such as Christmas shopping, Santa Claus, Christmas cards, Christmas trees, Christmas songs. And students are familiar with Chinese Spring Festival customs: New Year's Eve celebrating New Year, or firecrackers, worship bumper year, money given to children as a Spring Festival gift and so on. Group discussions can deepen students’ understanding to the Western Christmas, the major festival, and also can further guide students to explore the hot discussion that the Chinese people celebrate foreign festivals. [18]

For another example, in Lesson29 of SEFC Book 1A, we can teach the different eating habits between Chinese and westerners by the way of co-operative learning like the following:

First of all, teachers design a question: Get students to fill in TABLE 1:




staple food (主食) rice, steamed bread noodles, etc bread, etc

non-staple food(副食) pork, chicken, beef, mutton, fish, bean products, etc. beef, fish, chicken, mutton, boiled, vegetables, etc.


tea, soft drinks, liquor, etc. coffee, soft drinks, wine, etc.

table-ware(餐具) Chopsticks, spoons knives, forks, spoons

serving order all dishes served together, soup served at last. No dessert. appetizer, soup, main dish, dessert.

others ① Order/prepare a lot of dishes to show the host’s generosity and hospitality. ② All guests share

the different dishes.③ The host will

keep persuading the guests to eat more even though they may be full. ①Each has his or her own share, which is enough for themselves, usually there is nothing left afterthe meal.②The host may suggest some more to the guests, but


keep persuading.

Secondly, the students are pided into groups and discuss the question.

Thirdly, each group is required to collect the answers and report the answers in public.

Finally, teachers can summarize the answers from each group.

After finishing the question, every participant must be clear about the cultural difference of eating habits between the Chinese and westerners.

5.2.2 Plays in and out of class

It is proved that plays in and out of class are probably the most efficient ways of language teaching.

The role of plays and dramas manifests itself when learners perform by themselves. Mini-dramas acted by students expose them to a “process of self-confrontation” with the target cultural communicates. The learners can act out mini-dramas written by them, which show misinterpretation of something that happens in the target cultural context. The cause of the problem is usually clarified in the final scene. Cultural similarities and differences will be analyzed by way of follow-up discussion.

In the listening book of Senior English book3 unit24, the material involves "finding a job", English teachers can extract one or two advertisements from the magazine for students. Teachers can ask the students to pide into two groups, one group act as recruiters, and the other group act as applicants. By looking at the advertisements, appointing to interview, using some simple props, students can exchange views on working conditions, wages and other issues. Thus, students can understand the practical knowledge of Foreign Service work; the actors also can improve their abilities of practical language.

A short play can be broken down into sections. As learners learn (not memorize) one section, they move on to the next. By combining the sections, they have learned the play. The use of this technique enables different groups of learners to work on several short plays at the same time and leads to the creation of several shirt plays simultaneously.

Drama is a useful tool in cultural learning. A full semester’s work can be built around a drama project, or it can fill five or ten minutes at the beginning or end of a lesson. It encourages the learners to view the linguistic and cultural knowledge as a tool for communication rather than as an academic subject. It can bring life and vitality to the classroom.

5.2.3 Classroom presentation

At the beginning of each lesson, teachers can hold a "cultural corner" sessions, with 5-10 minutes. Teachers or students can introduce one aspect of Western culture, such as famous events of foreign country in history, a prominent figure in the world, or some literary works. To accumulate the cultural knowledge for a long time, students’ cultural knowledge will naturally become broad and rich.

5.2.4 Photo display

Use maps, photographs, and illustrations of the text to introduce relative cultural elements vividly. For instance, when we teach the States of Liberty which appears in the lesson 10 of junior English book3, at first we can display a wall chart of the Statue of Liberty in the United States in front of the classroom, then ask the students to identify it and then observe the Statue of Liberty carefully in the facial expressions, posture language, the hold-high arm and torch. And then teachers can introduce the following cultural background briefly: Batuoerdi, a French sculptor, builds U.S. Statue of Liberty. He takes his mother's face and his wife's body as models to manufacture it. The Goddess of Liberty not only has swallowed vicissitudes face, but also perseverance. The torch in her hand is a symbol of freedom shining all over the world. Then teachers can guide the students to make analysis of the understanding of American national spirit through the Statue of Liberty. Teachers also can allow the students to list their deepest impression in other countries or ethnic representation construction.

5.2.5 Song appreciation

The important function of the songs is to express one’s wishes. Many lyrics and melody of songs are also full of rich cultural content. Students generally are interested in songs. If time is enough in the class, teachers can choose one or two representative English songs for students to appreciate or learn to sing. It is an effective method in the teaching of English cultural knowledge to analyze the content of the lyrics and music rhythm feelings. And then the students can accept the cultural baptism. For example, a song has a lyric like "Love is blue."(Blue love). Then what representation is “blue” in English? It often expressed "frustration and anxiety". Teachers cited examples to analyze, and then asked students to appreciate this song, try to see if there are any new experiences. [19]

5.2.6 Foreign festivals on the campus

This activity is of great interest to young students. The celebration could take place in a class, a grade or the whole school with the help of the branch of the Youth League. All kinds of activities can be held in festivals, such as performance of foreign songs, dancing and dramas, holding costume parties, watching foreign films, attending lectures given by foreign experts and enjoying foreign food. By celebrating foreign festivals, learners will immerse in the target cultural context. Teachers are to give introduction on the origin and the conventional activities of the festival. A comparison of the similarities and differences between the foreign festivals and Chinese festivals can develop the learners’ cultural awareness. [20]

5.2.7 Using authentic materials

Obviously, the best way to learn foreign cultural background knowledge is to go to that country to stay there for a period of time. But we know that it is almost impossible to have such an opportunity, especially for our students. Therefore, it is practically necessary for the teachers to use authentic materials to teach culture.

Mass media, such as, film, novels and especially newspapers and magazines, is also considered as an insightful means for teaching culture, for they reflect people’s way of life in terms of variety contemporaneity and authenticity. Students in an EFL setting will spontaneously ask questions about puzzling aspects of society and life as reflected in the film or magazine. This material is by no means easy to interpret because there is so much central inference and it requires deep familiarity with and comprehensive exegeses of the culture in question. Therefore “all such material should be selected with an eye to the subculture persity of the target community”. [21]

Teachers can pick up some pertaining to some aspects of culture revealed in newspapers or magazines and to the discussions of certain questions that might elucidate western patterns of behavior.

5.2.8 Audio-visual media

Audio-visual media materials and approaches, so different from the traditional chalk and blackboard method, are widely welcome due to their vivid presentation of both language and cultural knowledge based on authentic circumstances. Educationists have reacted with imagination and enthusiasm in exploiting the capabilities of modern technology. Some teachers believe that using media in the teaching of EFL in the classroom is certain to bring about a superior result. It can bring in cultural input in a clear and realistic way as compared with traditional, media-free instruction. [22]

5.3 Inspiring students to maintain adequate cultural interest in learning.

Obviously, it is essential to develop intercultural communication abilities in class, based on the students’ language skills. On the other hand, attention should also be given to help learners gain an awareness of the need that they will have to continue learning the language and foreign culture on their own once they leave the classroom. [23] And we must guide and train the students’ interests to study the social and cultural background, make the students to spend the effort in extra-curricular and self-expanding cultural knowledge levels. After all, the time in the classroom is limited, and the teaching contents is narrow, and therefore it is necessary for students to read English magazines, newspapers, look outstanding English original works or watch some foreign films, take part in some cultural Shorans, seminars by using after-school time. As the saying goes “interest is the best teacher," When the students consider to learn English as a hobby, cultural introduction has undoubtedly been the best in the realm of learning.

6. Conclusion

Today, international cultural exchange is going on directly and indirectly, with its new scope, content, form and method unheard of before. To confine oneself to one’s own culture is to go against the times. Now, in our country, the open policy towards the rest of the world has become a fundamental policy. This policy has brought about much broader prospects for international cultural exchange. Therefore, overcoming cultural barriers has become more and more important. Only by surmounting the barriers can we get a high degree of cultural exchange, make use of good things from other cultures and build up our cultural and material wealth. This exchange will contribute to understanding and friendship among nations as well as development in science and culture.

In the practical teaching, the culture teaching should be presented as many detailed as possible in the teaching syllabus. The teaching materials should not be located only in the source culture and should be a constructive attempt to be explicit about intercultural behavior and communication, especially, in view of the limited language available at this level. Besides, in the classroom teaching, teachers are expected to use a variety of teaching methods that are suitable to students’ level.


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[2] en.ruiwen.com/news/4751.htm

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[4] 同[2]

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[6] 桂荷莲. 英语教学中英美文化的导入[J]. 平顶山师专学报 2001,2 P101

[7] 张涛. Cultural background in English teaching [J]. 内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版) 2003,6 P94

[8] 巫峻. 中学英语教学中如何引入跨文化交际知识[J]. 龙岩师专学报 2003,4 P76

[9] 王蔷. 英语教学法教程[M]. 高等教育出版社,2000,7 P81-82

[10] 同[8] P77

[11] 曾丽珠. 英语教学与跨文化交际[J]. 福建省商业学校 2002,8 P17

[12] 同[8] P77

[13] 同[7] P94

[14] 魏萍. 浅谈跨文化交际与英语教学中的文化教育[J]. 天津成人高等学校联合学报 2003,1 P98

[15] 同[8] P77

[16] 陈秀菊. 高中英语教学中的跨文化交际[J]. 中小学教材教学 2005,2 P44

[17] 同[16] P45

[18] 吴丽芳. 新形式下的英语教育与培养跨文化交际能力[J]. 河北青年管理干部学院学报 2005,3 P111

[19] 刘惠玲. 英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养[J]. 郴州师范高等专科学校学报  2003,6 P49

[20] 王亚平. 英语教学中文化导入的内容与方法[J]. 中国科技信息 2005,14 P257

[21] 同[5] P126